简历投递: |
hqhr@hqhunt.com |
职位编号: |
HQ025 |
职位名称: |
中国区财务总经理 |
雇主名称: |
江苏某LNG集团 |
工作地点: |
江苏 |
招聘人数: |
1人 |
薪资范围: |
80-120万或以上 |
职位描述: |
招聘岗位:中国区财务总经理(Head of Finance Management Finance GM) 岗位大致要求: 1、年龄40-49岁,油气(石油天然气)或电力行业背景; 2、拥有比较丰富的合资公司JV管理经验(最好是外资合资公司,因比较多项目均是合资,且都是央企国企为主,丰富的合资经验可更好的维护小股东权益); 3、较强的成本控制能力,熟悉并购,融资等,总部财务官经历(最好是大型外资企业中国区或大中华区财务负责人); 4、有CPA等资格证书最好,英文听说读写流利,能自由交流; 5、较好的沟通交际能力,适应不同企业文化。
Areas of Responsibility: 1.Provide leadership and co-ordinate the group in overall strategic financial management to ensure business sustainability, continuous improvement and growth; covering areas in corporate finance, accounting, treasury, tax planning, budgeting, compliance reporting, internal controls and corporate governance. 2. Provide technical expertise in the delivery of sound business/financial advice to senior management at board level with regards to tactical and strategic decisions facing the Group. 3. Lead the group in the initial public offering (IPO), mergers & acquisitions, organic growth and ongoing fund raising activities; structure, promote and execute financing deals for the Group; prepare the Group to be deal ready; as well as conducting due diligence, negotiation and closing. 4.Lead and co-ordinate corporate structuring in line with strategic plan. 5.Develop, maintain and strengthen the Group's relationships with financial institutions, regulatory authorities and market. 6. Co-ordinate long-term strategic planning and resource allocation for the Group. 7.Develop the Group's resources and competency in the area of strategic planning & corporate finance. 8.Develop and maintain good relationship with partners.
1.Graduate in Finance & Accounting with minimum 15 years' regional strategic financial management experience gained from an investment banking and/or in-house large 3.Relevant discipline in the areas of Accountancy, Finance, Mathematics or Economics from good universities. 4.A CFA/ CPA/Masters would be preferred. 5.Common legal knowledge; skillful at finance; social skills; Fluent in English, Mandarin
工作地点:江苏南京总部 汇报对象:中国区总裁/财务总部等 薪资范围:80-120W,或以上,具体可商谈。
【简历投递】:hqhr@hqhunt.com或joker@hqhunt.com 许先生 【发布日期】:2017年06月25日 |
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